Sales Training: Practical Sales Techniques

Course Prerequisites

  • Please note that this course has the following prerequisites which must be completed before it can be accessed

Mục tiêu

Develop a higher level of leadership and management skills
Reach your fullest potential
Deliver extraordinary value

Thông tin

Projects are all around us. Virtually every organization runs projects, either formally or informally. We are engaged in projects at home and at work. Across settings, planning principles and execution methodologies can offer ways in which projects can be run more effectively and efficiently.

Project management provides organizations (and individuals) with the language and the frameworks for scoping projects, sequencing activities, utilizing resources, and minimizing risks. This is an introductory course on the key concepts of planning and executing projects.

We will identify factors that lead to project success, and learn how to plan, analyze, and manage projects. Learners will be exposed to state-of-the-art methodologies and to considering the challenges of various types of projects.

Yêu cầu

  • You should already be somewhat familiar with fundamental business practices and be interested in learning to achieve more by working with and through other people

Đối tượng học viên

  • New managers looking to transition successfully from a production to a management role
  • Existing managers looking to get more engagement and innovation from their teams and organizations
  • Entrepreneurs who need to use "soft power" to motivate people to achieve exceptional outcomes with limited resources

Nội dung học

6 Buổi học22h 30m

Management Skill

Scoping Projects
Main Methods
Planning Principles

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Cấp độ
Trung cấp
Thời lượng 22.5 hours
Buổi học
6 buổi học
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